
Some time ago I started shooting photos. A few of my friends have been asking for prints now, which either means I have very nice friends, or I've taken a few good photos. Let's pretend for a second that I've taken a few good photos. 

Who am I? I'm a Product Manager that has worked for a lot of different places, but your job hardly defines you, right? I'm more specifically a lover of this world and I spend as much time as possible in nature trying to absorb it. I take photos to help share a portion of my love with others.

All proceeds go towards the following:

- Making the print

- Buying me a burrito (just one, I promise)

- To ARCUS: https://www.arcus.org/donate

The world is changing in monumental ways. Any money that I make above and beyond a burrito will go towards helping others tell the story of this changing world, specifically as it relates to glaciers.

Thanks for the support.
